Academic Success Center

The mission of the Academic Success Center is to empower every student to take an active role in achieving their academic, personal, and professional goals through ongoing guidance, services, and programming that promote independence and resiliency to navigate a life of meaning and purpose.

At Chatham, academic success is many things, including:

  • identifying an area of study that aligns with your interests and making a plan and informed steps along the way to achieving your goals;
  • being able to recognize and understand what you need to be a successful student and seek out the resources to support your goals;
  • taking advantage of services and resources that are dedicated to personal growth and development, like strengthening your writing skills, developing time management skills, and utilizing tutoring resources;
  • learning about different cultures, beliefs, and ways of making meaning across the world and here in Pittsburgh;
  • challenging yourself through collaborative research with a faculty member, service to a particular cause or organization, or applying for national or international fellowships or scholarships;
  • and being able to apply what’s learned at Chatham, strengths, and passions to a future career or profession.

Four offices within the Academic Success Center help students achieve the above outcomes. Academic Success at Chatham also includes Academic Integrity as well as National and International Scholarship and Fellowship opportunities for students.

Photo of a Chatham University professor wearing a sari assisting a student in art lab.

Academic Advising Center

The objectives of Chatham’s academic advising program are to help students identify and achieve their academic goals, promote intellectual discovery, and encourage them to take advantage of in-class and extracurricular opportunities to become engaged, environmentally responsible, globally conscious, life-long learners and decision-makers.

Explore Academic Advising : Checkerboard 1 - Academic Advising Center
Photo of four Chatham students exiting the library on the University's Shadyside Campus.

Office of Academic & Accessibility Resources

Chatham is committed to supporting you with the academic and accessibility resources you need to succeed. The Office of Academic & Accessibility Resources (OAAR) offers a wide array of academic and disability support services for the entire Chatham student population.

Explore OAAR : Checkerboard 2 - Office of Academic & Accessibility Resources
Photo of a group of international students on Chatham's campus, holding Chatham University signs.

The Office of Global Engagement

Whether you’re interested in coming to Chatham from another country, a current Chatham student wishing to study abroad, or someone interested in international cultures, the Office of Global Engagement can help you meet your goals. We prepare students to be world-ready and foster respect for diverse cultures, identities, and opinions locally and internationally.

Explore Global Engagement : Checkerboard 3 - The Office of Global Engagement
Photo of an employer and student speaking at a Career Development fair

Career Development

At Career Development, we’re here to help you take the next step and the next next step. Our mission is to educate and empower students and alumni in making career decisions, support their understanding of self through career exploration, and provide career opportunities that prepare them to thrive in meaningful work. 

Explore Career Development : Checkerboard 4 - Career Development
Large green-leafed trees line Chatham University's academic quad in Shadyside while students walk to class.

Academic Integrity

The Honor Code of Chatham University sets forth standards of student behavior grounded in the values embodied in Chatham’s mission and values statements, as well as other Chatham policies and rules. The Honor Code is comprised of two distinct policies, the Student Behavior and Conduct Policy and the Academic Integrity Policy, and can be found in the University Catalog.

View the University Catalog : Checkerboard 5 - Academic Integrity
Photo of students paying attention to a lecture

National and International Scholarships & Fellowships

Chatham University undergraduates, graduate students, and alumni work with the Office of Global Engagement and faculty advisors to apply for prestigious scholarships, fellowships, and grants. These awards support graduate studies, study abroad, and international research or teaching. Each award has specific eligibility criteria, including academic year and U.S. citizenship status, as well as internal and external deadlines.

Explore Scholarships & Fellowships : Checkerboard 6 - National and International Scholarships & Fellowships
Decorative image reading Contact Us

Contact Us

Academic Success Center
412-365-1606 |
Instagram: @chathamuacademicsuccess
Advising: @chathamuadvising
Career Development: @chathamucareers
Global Engagement: @chatham_global
OAAR: @chathamuoaar