Goals & Outcomes

On this page, you will find the goals and outcomes for Chatham's DNP program, as well as the mission statement and goals for the College of Health Sciences' nursing programs.

DNP Program Goals

The DNP Program prepares students to become experts in specialized advanced nursing practice focused on innovative and evidence-based practice and systems leadership. More specifically, students develop competency with ongoing scientific inquiry and the application of credible research findings to promote safe, quality, and person-centered healthcare to a diverse population with complex needs. The DNP graduate is seen as a leader within the interprofessional team and the larger healthcare community through enhanced clinical skills, dissemination of scholarly work to other healthcare professionals, and initiation of healthcare policy, advanced use of technology, and through demonstration of professional behaviors that encompass strong ethical, holistic, and organizational values.

DNP Program Outcomes

Upon completion of the DNP Program, the student will:

  1. Synthesize knowledge from nursing theorists and researchers, along with those from other disciplines, to develop and evaluate new practice approaches.
  2. Create individualized and inclusive person-centered care based on nursing knowledge in a complex health care system.
  3. Impact health outcomes through clinical prevention, policy and advocacy engagement, and population health initiatives across the continuum.
  4. Apply advanced nursing scholarship using analytical and ethical methods to transform health care.
  5. Integrate the principles of safety and improvement science to enhance quality and minimize risk of harm to patients and providers through system and individual performance.
  6. Facilitate interprofessional partnerships with intentional collaboration across professions and stakeholders to enhance healthcare outcomes.
  7. Lead evidence-based improvements within complex healthcare systems to effectively coordinate provision of safe, quality, and equitable healthcare.
  8. Employ healthcare technology and data to foster innovative and safe person-centered care.
  9. Exhibit an ethical and collaborative professional identity in both advanced nursing practice and in the community at large.
  10. Display commitment to lifelong learning, self-care, resiliency, and promotion of nursing excellence.

Nursing Programs Mission Statement & Goals

Chatham University’s Nursing Programs prepare bachelor’s through doctoral level graduates to advance the quality, safety, and sustainability of equitable and inclusive healthcare across diverse populations while being engaged and respectful citizens.

Chatham University’s Nursing Programs prepares its nursing students, bachelors through doctoral level, on campus, and around the world, to advance the quality and safety of healthcare on an individual and population basis; access, utilize, and disseminate information through healthcare technology; embrace human diversity through ethically sound global healthcare; and purposefully impact healthcare systems and policy through leadership, collaboration, and scholarship. Chatham nursing graduates are prepared to function professionally in their work, take on leadership positions at work and in their communities, and acknowledge the need for life-long learning in their profession. Chatham nursing faculty support this learning by providing a high-quality, contemporary curriculum within an environment of altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, and social justice while maintaining their own commitment to scholarship and life-long learning.